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Berker IPT – efficient solutions for medical and laboratory technology

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"Infinitely fast and safe" is the advertising slogan that Berker Business Solutions has chosen for its new ID terminal technology connections for the Integro range – a promise that is not difficult to keep. After all, with the insulation piercing terminal, IPT for short, Berker Business Solutions has created a flexible, future-proof electrical installation solution for use in medical and laboratory technology. This impresses in absolutely every aspect with its efficiency, safety and reliability.

The inductive charging station from Berker - Induction – cleverly integrated

Download press release The inductive charging station from Berker

Making phone calls, reading and responding to e-mails, listening to music, keeping in touch with friends – out everyday lives are becoming more and more determined by digital mobility. At least, that‘s until our mobile devices run out of battery.
The inductive charging station from Berker can be integrated in places where they will actually be used, such as in Office furniture and kitchen worktops.